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Productivity Apps for Driving Instructors

Driving Instructor diagram app

Apps to help you with your driving school productivity

As well as dedicated driving school apps there are a number of more general apps that can help make some of your mundane driving school tasks easier! All have a free version but some have paid for versions if you want more features. Most are available in both iphone ios and android versions


This super-easy to use app is ideal to help you to keep a record of your driving lesson mileage. If you are keeping a manual record it’s so easy to forget to record your mileage at the end of the day. Trip Log can be set to automatically record your mileage when you start up the engine.
Available at the Google Play Store


Pulse is a brilliant app that means you can access text messages from your tablet, laptop and desktop computer as well as your phone. It’s simple to set up and syncs your text messages across all your devices.
Available at the Google Play Store


There are loads of different note taking and to do list apps available but Microsoft One Note is both free and one of the best. Again it syncs across all your devices so if you need to make a note of something you need to do on your computer, then hey presto it will be there when you open up the app on your computer. You can set up different “notebooks” eg one for home stuff, one for driving school stuff etc so everything is neatly organised for you.


Do you struggle with the nightmare of remembering all your different passwords? Or are you one of those people who is in danger of being hacked because you use the same password for everything? Whichever – Last Pass is the answer for you. Lastpass can quickly generate strong and secure passwords (or use the passwords you generate yourself), then save them in an encrypted vault. Your latest passwords are immediately available across all your devices, so whatever you’re using, LastPass will automatically log you in with one simple tap or click.


What do you do about getting your pupils to sign your terms and conditions? You can avoid needing to provide them with a paper copy to sign by using Hellosign so that they can sign a digital version.


Get the paypal app on your phone so that you can tell instantly whether your customer’s paypal payment has reached your account.


Some instructors like to use card readers for driving lessons so that pupils can pay by card in-car. Generally there is a cost for the card reader and a transaction fee. If you get your pupils to pay by bank transfer there is no fee and with a banking app from your preferred bank you can get instant access to find out if there payment has reached your account.