6.Social proof. Testimonials and reviews are vital in this day and age. Reviews on your website and Facebook page are gold dust. Make sure they are good ones but avoid fake reviews! Most people can see through them. Make sure that reviews are short. Two or three short sentences at most. The longer the review the less impact!
7. Use photos of happy customers. Written words are great but they could be fake – real life pictures add authenticity. “Natural” pictures are often better than posed ones. It can be helpful to get your car signage in the picture too! Avoid confusing or distracting backgrounds.
8. Use video testimonials. All testimonials or reviews are good and if they are accompanied by a picture of the person that is better. A video is even better still. It doesn’t have to be lengthy or even scripted. In fact informal and unscripted is actually more convincing for young people.
9. Facebook posts. You need a Facebook page. It’s a great tool. A Facebook page is different to a personal Facebook account. I hear people say they are fine just using their regular personal Facebook timeline. I would say yes that’s fine – but how much MORE effective would a Facebook business page be! If for nothing else – a Facebook page makes you look more professional than merely using your personal page. While many teenagers are more likely to spend time on Instagram and WhatsApp, it’s probably true to say that 99% of your potential customers have Facebook. Post regularly (at least once a week). Ask your current pupils to “Like” your page.
10. Facebook ads. Facebook ads can be a money pit! But they can be very rewarding! Explore the best ways to target your potential audience within the Facebook ads manager. Note that video ads convert better than picture ads. On Facebook you may be offered the opportunity to “boost your post”. This is a much less cost effective option than a proper ad campaign.