Best Apps for Driving Schools
There are quite a few apps available for driving instructors fulfilling a number of different functions. Some are apps to manage your driving school business such as driving instructor diary software, others are for helping your pupils with apps that you use as teaching aids. Unfortunately, the cost and time involved in developing driving instructor apps and software for what is effectively quite a small market does mean that there are very few really good quality apps available. Some were developed in the first rush of app enthusiasm but have not been updated and now look a little dated. The majority of driving instructor apps are available for iphone and ipad although android phones and tablets are actually more popular devices. The apps reviewed below are not connected with us in any way. However, we do offer the Adi Ninja driving lesson diagram app which is available for android or ios for ipad.
If you are looking for driving school lesson diagrams you can use on ipad, try our driving lesson diagrams pdf downloads.
Here are some of the most popular driving school apps:
Driving lesson plans UK on the App Store (
Driving Instructor – Instructor Software. (Apple only)
This driving instructor app is an all in one solution designed to help you manage your business, strengthen pupil engagement and use your own diagrams and maps using street view.
Cost – £4.99 per month
ADImin for Driving Instructors. (Android)
ADImin is a great boon for instructors using android phones and tablets. and looking for a driving instructor diary app. It was primarily developed for smartphone use and isn’t quite so effective on tablets. It provides a good all round driving school diary and lesson plan management tool. A free version of the app is available with some limitations in functionality. Ideal for if you just want to try it out. The paid for version is just £10 per year.
Cost £10 per year
Driving Instructor Professional (Android)
Another business management app for driving instructors. There is a free 3 month trial and then 3 level of service that you can sign up for at £2, £4 and £6 per week. You can store pupil records, track payments and even get automatic text reminders sent to your pupils.
Cost £2 – £6 per week
Driving Instructor Software (Android)
Developed in the Ukraine this app allows you to manage all aspects of your driving school business such as your driving instructors diary, for a one off cost of £16.99. Suitable for multi-instructor driving schools.
Cost £16.99 one off purchase

Robosoul Road Pad and Road Board (Apple and Android)
Neil Beaver has developed a good reputation for his driving school apps. However in reason years they have not been updated and it appears that support is no longer available. Although mainly focussed on the smaller ipad market, a number of the apps are also available on android. Rather than having one, all encompassing driving school app, Neil has created a number of individual free standing apps such as road board with its pre- designed diagrams that you can adapt to your circumstances. The advantage of the free-standing driving school apps is that you only pay for what you want. The disadvantage is that if you get everything it can be pricy!
Cost from £3.99
Driving Instructor Manager (Android)
A very simple app designed to do the basics. This app will allow you to manage your students by allowing you to create lessons, view your schedule in the diary, send SMS reminders to students, track student progress, view stats of how many lessons the student has had and how much revenue has been generated. What it lacks in features this app makes up for in simplicity. You pretty well have to accept it as it is – so you can’t adapt the progress reports to fit with your lesson topics. But for people who want a driving school diary and record keeping app with no frills, this one is worth a try!
Cost – free
NOTE: Information and prices correct at time of publication
Also see our productivity apps page and find out about driving test cancellation apps for your pupils. UK road signs app – free.
Please take a moment to check out our driving lesson plans